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CrossFit CrossAxed COVID Safe plan 


This document is to outline the procedures aimed at keeping our staff and members safe while reducing the risk of virus transmission.


At all times, staff and members need to adhere to this plan. Those choosing to disregard the plan will be immediately suspended from the gym.


For Staff


Prior to starting class staff will:


  • Check their temperature and record it

  • Ensure the gym is clean 

  • Ensure Sanitising and Disinfecting stations are ready for use with sufficient content for the class

  • Ensure members are staging in the allocated area prior to entering the gym

  • Ensure members have signed in to class and allowable limits have not been exceeded


During class


  • Conduct a pre-class verbal check of all members to ensure no-one is displaying signs of illness if they politely remind them of our procedures and ask them to leave until well

  • Set the class in such a way that members can maintain a minimum of 1.5m distance between each other

  • Allocate the section of the gym that particular athlete is to remain in for the duration 

  • Monitor the members to ensure everyone is abiding by the rules

  • Where appropriate clean equipment between uses

  • Ensure class plan allows time for members to aid in cleaning of equipment after use and for dispersing once the class is finished so there is adequate time for the next class to enter and begin


Post Class


  • Clean and disinfect equipment requiring further attention

  • Ensure all members no longer training leave as soon as class ends

  • Sanitise keyboards and mouse in gym

  • Sanitise keyboard and mouse in reception

  • Sanitise light switches and door handles throughout, including bathrooms, toilets, entry and exit doors

  • Collect and remove anything left by members that are a potential source of germs and throw away


For Members


Prior to class


  • Ensure you have a towel and water for the class (this is compulsory, no towel no training) We will have towels for purchase of $10 should you forget your towel and still wish to train

  • Stage outside the gym in the top car-park (ENTRY IS VIA THE TOP CARPARK ONLY)

  • Sign in to the class via the app on your phone, please help anyone who might be struggling to sort this out. Sign-in is now compulsory as mandated by the state government.

  • Enter the gym on advice from staff and place bags on bag racks only 

  • For the time being the water bubbler will be out of use. We will have water for purchase should you require it.



During Class


  • Upon entry, prior to the class, you will be allocated an area to train in for the class, please realise this is a non-negotiable and while we will attempt to keep friends together understand this might not always be possible.

  • Maintain social distance at all times, at no stage should anyone come into contact with another person while in the gym. No high fives or foot high fives

  • Be considerate of other members and staff, we are all trying our best to make this work and people will have varying levels of comfort with training in a group indoors. Ours is not to judge people for how they feel about COVID 19 or potential transmission.

  • At no time will any member remove base layers of clothing exposing normally covered skin prior to, during or after the class. T-shirts stay on

  • Disinfect all equipment touched and used during the warm-up, workout, and cool down.


Post Class


  • Double-check you have cleaned any equipment used

  • Ensure you collect all personal equipment including hoodies/jumpers (equipment left lying around especially potential sources of bacteria will be put in the bin at the end of the day)

  • Be sure to exit promptly allowing the next class to begin on time

  • The exit will be via the hallway to the bottom car park (even if you are parked upstairs)

230 Lytton Rd (Basement Level)
QLD 4170

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